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Dresslight Barcelona
Q.: Kubrick was your first creation. How do you re-
member it?
It was fantastic! Genuine! Our client wanted something
big, baroque and post-modern. We wanted something
warm but also powerful. We was looking to fill a large
space with elegance, and wanted it to be something
which would break rules. It conveyed its emotion to us
and we felt it.
Q.: Where did the idea come from?
I remember the idea of breaking rules was on our
minds. I don't know why, but suddenly we thought
about the films of Stanley Kubrick. From Spartacus,
through Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey,
until his finals film, Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick was an
innovative, risky and transgressive artist who inspired us
to create this fixture.
Q.: You said that Kubrick is a mini masterpiece. In what
It is a handmade and delicate piece. It mixes precious
silks with blown glass. Every inch of this light fixture
was cared for by the expert hands of a master crafts-
man. So it is a work of art!
DL is based on quali-
ty materials, crafts-
manship and unique
creations. Every de-
sign we do is unique
in itself.
Q.: Tell us a little about the history of the brand from
the perspective of someone who experiences it inten-
sely every day.
It began as a project which was intimately connected
with fashion and haute couture. We wanted to dress
light fixtures up with haute couture fabrics used by the
most prestigious designers in the world. We use fabrics
that were paraded on catwalks with brands such as Dior,
Prada... Later, we began to collaborate with designers
that allowed us to start creating our own style beyond
the material. However, its national, handmade crafting
is in the DNA of the brand as an essential element of
any proposal.
Q.: What has been the biggest challenge for Dresslight
since its creation?
Making a place for ourselves in the high-end light fix-
tures market represented by consolidated, renowned
Q.: What are the ingredients that you consider most
important for achieving a unique design?
Simplicity, usability and emotion.
Q.: Éter, Buran, Glop, Coffee… You have created several
designs working with blown glass. Tell us a bit how this
material, the difficulties it presents, what surprised you
most about it...
The greatest virtue of this material is doesn't con-
duct heat, and that it is transparent and extraordinarily
strong. The greatest difficulty lies in working on large
sizes because it is difficult to obtain the necessary equi-
pment in the production process.
Q.: What does design means for Dresslight? How was
the brand design team set up?
DL is based on the openness of its proposal. Quality
materials, craftsmanship and unique creations. Every
design we do is unique in itself.
Q.: Is there any technique or material that you haven't
yet tried and which you would like to experiment with?
A lot (laughs). In terms of creation and the use of tech-
nology, everything is to be seen!
Q.: Any challenge you would still like for Dresslight?
A Red Dot Award, of course.